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A functioning democracy requires a government responsive to people considered as political equals. Citizens United flew in the face of that principle.

Liz Kennedy
President Obama is directing federal agencies to provide employees with six weeks of paid leave.
Amy Traub
Dear Mayor de Blasio and Members of the City Council: As leaders in New York City who are concerned about economic and racial injustice, we call on you to enact Intro. 261, The Stop Credit Discrimination in Employment Act, and to ensure that this legislation does not include unjustified
Testimony and Public Comment
Demos is a national, non-partisan public policy organization working for an America where we all have an equal say in our democracy and an equal chance in our economy. Demos’ lawyers, researchers, and advocates have extensive legal and policy expertise on money in politics. These comments are
Testimony and Public Comment
Liz Kennedy
Seth Endo

Five years after the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United v. FEC decision, what are the roles of large donors and average voters in selecting and supporting candidates for Congress?

Adam Lioz
Karen Shanton
In their seminal 1980 study on the question, using data from 1972, political scientists Raymond Wolfinger and Steven Rosenstone argued that “voters are virtually a carbon copy of the citizen population.” In 1999, Wolfinger and his colleague Benjamin Highton again came to the same conclusion:
In the media
Sean McElwee
Today, President Obama announced a proposal to make two years of community college tuition-free. It’s a big deal. But it would be just as powerful a signal if we promised students a debt-free system of public higher education, one that could be financed entirely through part-time or summer work and
Mark Huelsman
Regulatory policies are expected to play a significant part in the agenda of the new Congress. Congressional leaders have indicated in particular that they will be holding hearings on EPA regulations that would affect the operation of coal fired power plants, and on aspects of the Affordable Care
Michael Lipsky
When it comes to how income inequality can impact retirement, one has to look no further than the CEO suite.
In the media
Aimee Pichee
Like all of us at Demos, I read the news of the murder of two NYPD officers and the attempted murder of a Baltimore woman with a feeling of horror. In a society so riddled with violence, access to guns and mental illness collide all too often in America, and in fact, every day a woman is attacked by
Heather McGhee