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Are States Complying with the Motor Voter Requirements of the National Voter Registration Act?

Stuart Naifeh
The wheels of justice have been said to turn slowly. Andfew things move quickly here in Cleveland, Mississippi, a town of 12,000 people with no movie theater and a quaint commercial district that’s shuttered on Sunday. But when a deadline on a school desegregation suit—originally filed in 1965—came
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Sharon Lerner
It’s been more than two decades since Congress passed the so-called Motor Voter Act requiring state DMVs to let residents register to vote at their offices — but the ACLU of California says the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles is falling asleep at the wheel, and it’s threatening to sue.
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Marisa Lagos
Today, citing clear evidence that the State of California is violating its federally-mandated responsibility to offer California drivers and ID card holders the opportunity to register to vote, attorneys from Demos, Project Vote, ACLU Foundation of San Diego and Imperial Counties, and the global law
Press release/statement
Eric Holder and his team announced a $1.4 billion settlement with Standard & Poor’s regarding its ratings of mortgage backed securities and its role in the crash of 2008. There is no question of the venality that dictated behavior at S&P and probably the other major rating agency, Moody’s. The
Wallace C. Turbeville
In recent weeks, the White House has reaffirmed its commitment to strengthening "community policing" around the country. The U.S.
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Demos President Heather McGhee released the following statement on the selection of Carl Heastie as the new New York Assembly Speaker:
Press release/statement
Two of the most commonly cited reasons for the lack of more liberal policymaking in the United States are the decline in unions and the rising class bias in voter turnout. In the 2014 midterm congressional elections, the Democrats’ rout was largely attributed to a failure of their coalition to turn
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Sean McElwee
I first encountered the upper middle class when I attended a big magnet high school in Manhattan that attracted a decent number of brainy, better-off kids whose parents preferred not to pay private-school tuition. Growing up in an immigrant household, I’d felt largely immune to class distinctions
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Reihan Salam
Just 8 months ago, McDonald’s shareholders awarded Don Thompson with nearly $8 million in incentive pay for his performance as CEO—that’s compensation in addition to a base salary and benefits that topped $1.5 million.
Catherine Ruetschlin