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“This violation of the Voting Rights Act is part of an anti-democratic pattern levied in response to increasing engagement among young people and voters of color. We cannot — and will not — allow that pattern to stand.”
Press release/statement

​​​​​Big companies are using data to preserve the power imbalance that keeps them rich. This economic model is rooted in chattel slavery and relies on the extraction and commodification of data.

Yeshimabeit Milner
Amy Traub
Government buildings in Washington D.C.
Corporate and far-right special interests incite deficit fears by manufacturing an artificial crisis around debt. This has consolidated wealth and power in predominantly white corporate hands—and at the expense of Black and brown communities—for decades.
Amy Traub

The Executive Order on Racial Equity represents a firm commitment by the Biden Administration to champion racial equity and to advance equitable practices in data collection and data provision.

Testimony and Public Comment
Georgia State Capitol Building
Corporate America took a stand for equality and democracy against the state of Georgia. Yet, the unbalanced economic system they’re part of creates an opportunity to reassess corporate power in our society.
Amy Traub
On today’s show, we talk with Taifa Smith Butler, the outgoing President and CEO of the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute.
In the media
George Floyd
Former Minneapolis Police Officer Convicted on All Charges in Murder of George Floyd
Press release/statement
Measure would expand nation’s highest court to 13 justices from nine
Press release/statement
Brenda Wright
Taifa Smith Butler
Georgia Budget and Policy Institute CEO Will Begin Tenure As Head of Think Tank in July 2021
Press release/statement
Taifa Smith Butler standing with arms crossed
Taifa Smith Butler is a visionary leader who brings more than 20 years of experience in strategic communications, public policy research, and data analysis in the public, nonprofit, and private sectors. She will lead Demos starting July 1, 2021.
Josh Fryday