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Election officials in Rhode Island are swiftly moving about the business of pro-voter reform.
Damon L. Daniels
With the advent of the Affordable Care Act, the share of Americans convinced that health care is a right shrank from a majority to a minority.
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Thomas B. Edsall
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Vijay Prashad
Gender Pay Disparity is Particularly Stark for Women Retail Workers and Women of Color
Press release/statement
In April 2015, Walmart implemented a $9 an hour minimum wage for all of its 1.3 million U.S. workers, and committed to pay all current workers at least $10 per hour by February 2016.1 This is an important step from the country’s largest employer and in particular for the retail industry, where low
Catherine Ruetschlin
Robert Hiltonsmith
Demos and coalition partners have reached an agreement with the City Council and de Blasio administration to send a bill banning the use of employment credit checks to the City Council floor. In response, President Heather McGhee issued the following statement: “We are pleased to see progress made
Press release/statement
Middle class income stagnation, and the inequality that it causes, is the principal economic challenge for the nation — and finance is to blame for it.
In the media
Wallace C. Turbeville
Late Tuesday, news broke that yet another unarmed American, a black man named Walter Scott, was killed by a white police officer. As with Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, and Rodney King nearly 25 years ago, the brutality was captured on video for the world to see. The New York Times put the damning
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Black Twitter is a force. It’s also not particularly well understood by those who aren’t a part of it. The term is used to describe a large network of black Twitter users and their loosely coordinated interactions, many of which accumulate into trending topics due to the network’s size
In the media
On Sunday, the New York Times published an unbelievably misleading op-ed on the cost of college by Paul Campos, a law professor at University of Colorado, Boulder.
Robert Hiltonsmith