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On Tuesday, Democrats in the Senate and House introduced twin resolutions "to ensure that students have access to debt-free higher education."
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Zeeshan Aleem
In the media
Michelle Chen
[...] Federal contracting with private vendors supports about two million low-wage private sector jobs, according to Demos, a national research institute, in their study, "Underwriting Bad Jobs." That is "more than the number of low wage workers at Walmart and McDonald's combined."
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Robert L. Borosage
A group of congressional Democrats introduced a resolution on Tuesday seeking to ensure that students who attend public colleges and universities can graduate without debt.
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Sam Levine
Several top congressional Democrats will embrace on Tuesday a loose plan to make public colleges a debt-free proposition—and will receive an immediate boost from progressive activists who are hoping to shape the 2016 Democratic agenda.
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George Zornick
The rationale behind the ban is simple: it’s unfair and useless to use a person’s credit history, which is often inaccurate or misleading, when assessing their job qualifications.
In the media
Michelle Chen
In the media
Sean McElwee
[...] "You are in a Catch-22," said Emmanuel Caicedo, a senior campaign strategist with Demos, one member of a coalition of 79 labor and civil rights organizations that formed the NYC Coalition to Stop Credit Checks in Employment. "You can't pay your bills and so your credit is bad. And then you can
In the media
Jeff Mays
In the media
Jed Oelbaum
In the media
Zeeshan Aleem