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Barring a dramatic scandal or an unforeseen event, Hillary Clinton will be the 2016 Democratic party nominee for president. While many on the left have complained about her close ties to banks and her past unwillingness to tackle inequality, such complaints are unlikely to be solved by any
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Sean McElwee
[...] To date, the Senate has been mostly unsupportive of the Moreland Commission's proposals. The good government groups are hopeful the current wake of scandal will be enough to finally persuade lawmakers to enact real change. "We think that should be a wakeup call now to the Senate," Scharff said
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Matt Hunter
[...] Looking at the types of programs named last month, opponents to cuts see what they call a guise to squeeze a public education system tasked with growing demands and enrollment but declining funding. "There are people in the policy and political sphere who really feel this issue is getting
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Seth Soffian
Students living in President Hillary Clinton’s America could go to college debt-free, her campaign manager hinted earlier this week. Making college more affordable is part of Clinton’s plan to boost quality of life for ordinary Americans, Robby Mook, “Hillary for America” campaign manager, told CNBC
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Jillian Berman
(New York, Raleigh, Washington, D.C.) – Citing clear evidence that the state of North Carolina is failing its obligation to provide low-income residents with a meaningful opportunity to register to vote at public assistance agencies, today Democracy North Carolina, Action NC, and the A. Philip
Press release/statement
[...] At the individual level, racial differences have been observed when it comes to accumulating wealth. A study recently published by the public policy organization Demos called “ Racial Wealth Gap” found that the wealth gap between Blacks and Whites has grown since the Great Recession
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Angela Fitzgerald
Local social service agencies are not giving poor residents adequate opportunities to file and update voter registrations as required by federal law, a letter sent by a group of voting rights advocates warned the North Carolina State Board of Elections and Department of Health and Human Services
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Mark Binker
Four national and state voting-rights organizations are threatening to sue North Carolina for what they contend are Gov.
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Craig Jarvis
Thanks to rapidly rising tuition costs, America has a $1.2 trillion student debt problem.
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Aimee Picchi
[...] According to The New York Times' Paul F. Campos, tuition rates are more the victim of "the constant expansion of university administration" than state-funded budget cuts.
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JJ Feinauer