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A comprehensive look at how the reality of debt-financed college impacts the whole pipeline of decision-making related to college.

Mark Huelsman
[...] The nation’s yawning wealth gap is a major reason why minority students end up borrowing more for college. Structural racism has created disparities in home ownership rates, income and other wealth-building vehicles, providing minority borrowers with fewer resources to tap to pay for college
In the media
Jillian Berman
In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson vowed that no student wishing to attend college would "be turned away because his family is poor." Half a century later, a shift in the way college is funded and the declining fortunes of minorities and poor families since the recession have created a college-debt
In the media
Aimee Picchi
(New York, NY)- During the next few weeks thousands of students across the country will graduate from college, an accomplishment that used to symbolize a step toward financial independence and entry into the middle class.
Press release/statement
Most students go into debt to pay for college. And while no one wants to be in the red, a new report from left-leaning think tank Demos argues that the increasingly debt-financed higher education system in the United States is especially harmful to low-income, black and Latino kids.
In the media
Emily Deruy
[...] Demos, the New York-based group, began monitoring North Carolina about a decade ago because it spotted a drop-off in public assistance registrations. Gary Bartlett, the State Board of Elections director at the time, was eager to attract more voters, said Stuart Naifeh, an attorney with Demos.
In the media
Craig Jarvis
Black woman working at computer in college library
The most important fact about higher education is that only a minority of people go to college. That fact would change if college was affordable for more people.
Mark Huelsman
Racism has affected voting in America since its founding, and it continues to affect voting today.
Sean McElwee
One of the major concerns that surround unpaid internships is access. Wealthier students benefit; poor students don’t.
In the media
Eric Adler
Mara Rose Williams