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North Carolina’s recent voting law changes will disproportionately affect black voters in the state, according to a study published Wednesday by Dartmouth University. “The study provides powerful ammunition for the pending legal challenges,” says Brenda Wright, a voting rights expert with the
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Adam Serwer
Having to register to vote is a practical barrier for some people, especially those who are poor and marginalized. So shifting that burden to the state leads to more people voting.
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Zachary Roth
[...] The debt-free college initiative is based on a plan sketched out by liberal think tank Demos. It calls for the federal government to award grants to states that increase spending on higher education and increase need-based grant aid.
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Danielle Douglas-Gabriel
I made my debut on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher last Friday, discussing the news of the week, from Amtrak to the new Progressive Agenda to Combat Income Inequality (which is taking citizen co-signers here).
Heather McGhee
Recently the office of Scott Stringer, New York City Comptroller, released a widely covered report confirming what many in the pension world have been realizing: High-priced investments in hedge funds and private equity have not only failed to beat the market but cost the city pension funds billions
Robert Hiltonsmith
The fact that student debt continues to soar is troubling enough. Now there is clear evidence that it also deepens the gap between the haves and the have-nots.
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Virginia Myers
[...] One effect of the ruling is that it’ll now be easier to sue an employer over an expensive 401(k) plan, turning up the legal pressure a notch. Those expenses matter. A 2012 study by Demos, a New York City-based think tank, found that over a lifetime, 401(k) fees cost a two-earner family with a
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Grant Easterbrook
Citizens United just added fuel to an already blazing fire—and returning to the “glory days” before the decision will not create an America where we all have an equal say over the government decisions that affect our lives.
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Adam Lioz
Brenda Wright
Student debt can weigh you down long into adulthood, and might make you less likely to ever be able to retire. That's according to a new analysis from Demos, a progressive think tank. This chart shows the clear benefit of getting a college degree. Households with some college but no degree are
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Libby Nelson
[...] A separate report this week by the left-leaning think tank Demos suggests that black students may also be disproportionately impacted by such policies.
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Molly Hensley-Clancy