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Until voters and elected leaders in Baltimore, Maryland took action to bring small donor public financing to their elections, big money in politics was a growing problem in the city.

Common Cause Maryland

A coalition of Black and brown community organizations and activists helped enact a first-of-its-kind democracy dollars program in Seattle.

Washington CAN
Demos will host “ A Woman’s Worth: The State of Black Women in the Economy,” featuring Demos President Taifa Smith Butler and and former Demos president Heather McGhee, author of The Sum of Us, in conversation.
In the media
Maiysha Kai
Taifa Smith Butler, joins News NOW on Black Women’s Equal Pay Day to discuss why Black women in America have to work 579 days to earn what a white man does in one year and how companies can work to combat this pay disparity and inequality.
In the media
We are pleased that the U.S. Court of Appeals has come down on the side of the voters, protecting their right to remain on the voter rolls and participate in our democracy.
Press release/statement

In this comment, we provide recommendations for addressing some barriers to voter registration faced by voters with disabilities and voters who are Limited English proficient.

Testimony and Public Comment

A summary of our recommendations for improving the accessibility of, and some specific examples of improvements that can be made.

Testimony and Public Comment
Taifa Smith Butler
I am elated to share this first note with you as president of Demos!
Taifa Smith Butler
Collage image containing images of the U.S. Capitol Building, chart bars and waves, Multi-racial fists raised, and Career woman walking
Our new Economic Democracy agenda is about building economic power and liberation for Black and brown people in the United States.
As Black, brown, and Native communities across the country face a racist push to undermine the basic freedom to vote, South Dakota must live up to its obligations under the National Voter Registration Act.
Press release/statement