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Upwards of 140,000 Kentuckians can this week regain full voting status, and as many as 30,000 more will have their rights restored over time.
Damon L. Daniels
There’s recourse available to people who find themselves in cycles of unpayable debt; it’s called bankruptcy. Unfortunately for student debtors, education loans are exceedingly difficult to discharge in bankruptcy, which makes little sense in an era where college is unattainable for most without
Mark Huelsman
The findings add to a growing body of evidence that in most cases, a college degree helps to boost employment and earning potential -- the underemployment rate of those with just a high school diploma is 12.9%, the analysis found. But for many Americans, a college degree is out of reach without
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Jillian Berman
What’s up with working-class whites? It’s a question that’s been asked for decades, and has been raised again recently in the discussion surrounding an Alec MacGillis piece examining Matt Bevin’s recent election gubernatorial win in Kentucky, which could leave many in Kentucky without Medicaid.
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Sean McElwee
As Black Friday approaches, retailers nationwide are waiting anxiously to see whether the nation’s busiest shopping day will deliver a boost in profits. But perhaps no company has more at stake than Walmart, the shopping behemoth that was the world’s largest retailer until Amazon supplanted it in
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Amy Traub
Attaining a higher education in the U.S. has long been seen as the great equalizer. "We see education as a way to level the playing field among low-income families, low-income communities and communities of color," Mark Huelsman, the report's lead author, told NBC News. But the current education
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Juan Castillo
However generous paid leave benefits are, whether employees actually use those benefits will depend a lot on the culture they work in and the social pressures they face. Amazon, for instance, is "notorious for its competitive work environment, and simply having access to leave may not be enough if
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Emily Crockett
Eliminating student debt for low- to middle-income families could dramatically narrow the racial wealth gap between black and white households, according to a joint study by liberal think tank Demos and the Institute for Assets & Social Policy at Brandeis University. Though 43 million Americans
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Danielle Douglas-Gabriel

Student loans are treated differently than almost every other form of debt incurred by American households. 


How we can lower student debt while closing the Black-White wealth gap.

Mark Huelsman
Tamara Draut
Tatjana Meschede
Lars Dietrich
Thomas Shapiro
Laura Sullivan