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Mark Huelsman, a policy analyst for the liberal think tank Demos, which is pushing for debt-free college, said the state efforts are important because much of the rise of undergraduate student debt is a result of state budget cuts. And, he said, "We know big policy change in every arena requires
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Shira Schoenberg
“When public figures demonize whole swaths of people for their own political gain, they are complicit in the escalation from words to deeds that follow,” said Heather McGhee, president of Demos.
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Is this really what we want America to be?
Heather McGhee
The economic recovery, officially underway since June 2009, is still leaving millions of working Americans behind.
Amy Traub
Last Wednesday a mass shooting in San Bernardino, the 355th this year, prompted a debate about the need for gun control. In an incredibly rare decision, the New York Times ran a front-page editorial calling for gun control.
Sean McElwee
Some higher education experts think that while the Department of Education has a tough job, it's outreach efforts have been underwhelming.
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Zeeshan Aleem
The IWPR study also offers a window into the way race affects a borrower’s’ experience with student debt. Studies show that black students are more likely to borrow for school and tend to borrow more than their white counterparts, likely because the gap in wealth between black and white Americans
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Jillian Berman
In finance, the problems with nudging reveal it may even have a dark side. Nudgers are quick to push workers toward retirement savings, but sometimes are not doing enough to warn them about possible risks. The think tank Dēmos estimates that, over a lifetime, retirement-account fees “can cost a
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Frank Pasquale
“Alabama’s recent settlement with the Department of Justice doesn’t address the state’s photo ID law,” Lisa Danetz, the legal director for Demos, which before the deal played a leading role in raising concerns about Alabama’s compliance with Motor Voter, confirmed. “Instead, it relates to the
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Zachary Roth
Today the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released its annual assessment of the CARD Act, a landmark 2009 credit card reform bill.
Amy Traub