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The average Black household has fewer resources than the average white one — and the disparity is only getting worse. In 2015, the median wealth of white households was 16 times that of Black households, according to a study from Brandeis University and public policy organization Demos. The numbers
In the media
Lilli Petersen
Demos, a public policy organization, just released a brief about the need for paid family leave in New York.
In the media
Andrea Sears
Thank you, Members of the Workforce Development Joint Budget Hearing, for the opportunity to submit testimony in support of a strong paid family leave program in New York State.  My name is Amy Traub and I am a Senior Policy Analyst at Demos. Demos is a public policy organization working for an
Testimony and Public Comment
Amy Traub
Key Facts
Policy Briefs
Amy Traub
Robert Hiltonsmith
Today more than a hundred New Yorkers from a host of organizations will descend on Albany, calling on their elected officials to finally guarantee paid family leave to working people statewide. They’ll argue that for too many New Yorkers, bonding with a new baby or tending to a loved one who is
Amy Traub
Nearly 9 out of 10 working New Yorkers do not receive paid leave from their employers. The call for paid family leave in New York is steadily growing. Just this morning, Governor Cuomo amended his paid family leave proposal to increase the payment for some of the state's lowest paid workers, and at
Press release/statement
“Super PACs likely encouraged more candidates to get into the 2016 GOP presidential race,” said Jay Goodliffe, a political science professor at Brigham Young University. “Even if their polls were not initially good, or there were other setbacks, the super PAC could help keep them afloat.”
In the media
Michael Beckel
Wal-Mart for increasing the starting salary of workers from $9 to $10 an hour, which would boost the wages of 500,000 employees, along with other boosts in specialized sections. While this step is a positive one, a new Demos brief argues that despite this new policy, Wal-Mart wages and schedules
In the media
Sean McElwee
Amy Traub
The Supreme Court of the United States from a distance
Buckley has been called the “original sin” of campaign finance law.
Allie Boldt
Seven years ago today, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act became the first piece of legislation that newly-inaugurated President Obama signed into law. The law restored protections against pay discrimination that had been restricted by a recent Supreme Court decision, making it easier for working
Amy Traub