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The U.S. Supreme Court today poses a grave threat to our democracy and to the political rights and economic well-being of Black and brown people.

Policy Briefs
Laura Williamson
US Capitol Building with American Flag
It’s time for America to lead by example and take action to repair our broken system. There is much work to do around the world, but for this country, saving democracy must start at home.
Taifa Smith Butler
"As we continue to mourn Arbery’s death, we must work to expose the wrongs of this system, right them, and move toward becoming a land in which 74 days of protests isn’t the prerequisite for an arrest.”
In the media
Taifa Smith Butler
If Build Back Better is passed, how do we ensure that everyone gets their fair share? How do we follow the money from the legislation? L. Joy brings Taifa Smith Butler to the front of the class to give us the action items we need to make sure our communities get the most out of it.
In the media
L. Joy Williams
Taifa talks the priorities of the progressive think tank Demos and her path to becoming its President
In the media
Zac McCrary
"For the sake of millions — people watching their rents go up while their wages don’t, parents who need support in tackling the ever-rising cost of child care, and seniors who regularly must decide whether they can afford their bills or their pills — the Senate must pass this legislation.”
Press release/statement
Taifa Smith Butler
“This measure is a step in the right direction for a country with a dire need for investment in resources that too often are of poor quality or altogether unavailable in Black and brown communities."
Press release/statement
Taifa Smith Butler

Many states can designate federal agencies via a simple letter from their chief election official. This sample letter is directed to USCIS, but it can be adapted for any federal agency/program.

Testimony and Public Comment
Large flag of Puerto Rico above the street in the city center of San Juan.
Tomorrow the United States Supreme Court hears oral arguments in a case that has great relevance for our efforts to build an inclusive, multiracial democracy.
Laura Williamson
The Build Back Better Act would dramatically help working people and families. Now, the passage of this once-in-a-lifetime framework is in the hands of a few legislators who are beholden to corporations and the ultrarich.
Daniella Zessoules