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Election Officials Ordered to Protect Citizens Who Tried to Register through the DMV
Press release/statement
Latino/a voters’ main concerns are of an economic nature such as education and health care, but the high importance placed on issues like terrorism and immigration suggests that Latino/as are also concerned about cultural changes in the country. I argue that these worries are the roots of the
Juhem Navarro-Rivera
Over the past 15 years, states have made deep cuts to their funding for higher education, causing tuition to rise rapidly, and household incomes have failed to keep up. As a result, student debt has skyrocketed, quintupling from just $240 billion in 2003 to more than $1.3 trillion today. The burdens
Few pundits are willing to acknowledge just how disadvantaged young adults are today.
In the media
Tamara Draut
NEW YORK, NY- Last Friday, advocates from Demos, a civil rights and public policy organization, sent a letter to the Tennessee Secretary of State, advising him that the state’s policy of purging voters for their failure to vote violates federal law.
Press release/statement
A federal judge in Ohio laid out a plan on Wednesday for the state to restore voting privileges for people who were illegally removed from the state's voter rolls over the past five years.
In the media
Sharon Bernstein
Citing clear evidence that Florida residents have been denied the opportunity to register to vote or update their registrations, we sent a pre-litigation notice letter today.
Press release/statement
A federal court ordered Ohio Secretary of State John Husted to allow the many thousands of infrequent voters the state has purged from the voter rolls over the last several years to vote in this year’s Presidential Election.
Press release/statement
Native Americans rank lower than any other ethnic group in the US for voter turnout, and it’s not because they’re less passionate about voting. There’s a long history of changes in voter rights laws in several states which has made it harder for them to take advantage of this constitutional right.
In the media
Meghan Werft