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To tackle the economic anxiety gripping the nation, Democrats must elevate topics of racism and xenophobia in order to address issues surrounding class and economic dislocation.
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Vijay Das

Why President Obama’s Fair Pay and Safe Workplace Executive Order must be implemented under the new administration.

Policy Briefs
Amy Traub
Here are five things to watch for from Trump
Adam Lioz
President-elect Donald Trump has made it clear that he wants to repeal President Barack Obama’s signature climate policies—the Clean Power Plan and the Paris Agreement on global emissions reductions. If he is successful, we will need a Plan B that the Republicans cannot obstruct. That means turning
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Heather McGhee & Robert B. Reich
What’s up with working-class whites? It’s a question that’s been asked for decades, and has been raised again recently in the discussion surrounding an Alec MacGillis piece examining Matt Bevin’s recent election gubernatorial win in Kentucky, which could leave many in Kentucky without Medicaid.
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Sean McElwee
The D.C. Council is considering a bill that would bar businesses from performing credit checks on job applicants. Supporters of the legislation say credit histories can be inaccurate and indicate little about workers’ character.[...] “Our research shows poor credit more often tells a story of
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Ryan M. McDermott
Thank you. For speaking out against racism and injustice. For taking the time to understand the issues deeply. For refusing to let hate go unchallenged. For the diverse and democratic future you envision. For committing your time, energy and resources to creating that future. For all that and more
Heather C. McGhee
D.C. Council member Kenyan R. McDuffie said he will introduce emergency legislation to bar contributions to political action committees during non-election years in an effort to close what some view as a major campaign finance loophole before the start of 2017. “It’s important that we address the
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Jasper Scherer
Imagine a rich person. For most Americans, the image that comes to mind is a wealthy white man. While white men certainly make up a disproportionate share of the wealthy, there is growing diversity among the wealthiest members of society. Given the increasing political salience of racial justice and
In the media
Sean McElwee
Despite North Carolina DMV's failure to provide voter registration services as required by federal law, court case allows voters' voices to be heard
Press release/statement