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Garry Civitello called into C-SPAN with his heart and insecurities on his sleeve. Civitello, a white man from Asheville, North Carolina, wanted to speak with Heather McGhee, a black woman and president of Demos, a public policy group working to promote democracy for all. But his question wasn't
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Erin Canty
How do we eliminate prejudice?
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Trump’s far-flung financial holdings and penchant for mixing official U.S. diplomacy with his private business affairs raise unprecedented concerns.
Adam Lioz
Social science suggests that racial resentment is central to Donald Trump's appeal. There are ways to fight back
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Sean McElwee
This week expectant parents working in Washington DC have an extra reason to celebrate: on Tuesday, the City Council passed legislation guaranteeing eight weeks of paid time for working parents to care for new baby or adopted child, as well as paid time to recover from illness or care for sick
Amy Traub
Having a child under the age of 5 is hard enough, but in the United States, parenting comes with the added bonus of near-financial ruin. If we don’t do something about this, the economic consequences for the country are not going to be pretty.[...]
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Emily Peck
Next week, Washington, D.C.’s municipal government will vote on new legislation that, if enacted, would guarantee people working in the District up to 11 weeks of paid leave to care for a new baby or child. But this is just the latest in a string of state and local governments taking action to
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Amy Traub
We wanted to study how Latinos are changing American politics. So we explored multiple datasets which collectively include thousands of Latino respondents. We found that Latinos are more supportive of Barack Obama’s progressive agenda than non-Hispanic whites, and that Latinos are more supportive of
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Sean McElwee
Spencer Piston
A central question is whether donors, as a result of their financial support of politicians, exert disproportionate influence over public policy.
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Sean McElwee
Jesse Rhodes
Brian Schaffner
A persistent racial wealth gap, waning investment in higher education and limited institutional resources are driving up the rate of borrowing at historically black colleges and universities, with 4 out of 5 undergraduates relying on student loans to finance their education, according to a new study
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Danielle Douglas-Gabriel