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Our research shows that state and local policies shielding immigration status information are generally permitted. Local law enforcement’s refusal to honor federal immigration detainer requests is also permitted and may even be required to avoid liability for constitutional violations.
Katherine Culliton-González
Joanna Cuevas Ingram
Under the Constitution and anti-discrimination laws, local governments can protect immigrants. This was reaffirmed a report entitled " Sanctuaries, Safety and Community: Tools for welcoming immigrants through local democracy", which detailed the mechanisms available for cities to provide protection
In the media
Camille Padilla Dalmau

We are concerned that given Ms. DeVos’ track record to privatize public education and her lack of a clear position concerning the affordability crisis in higher education, the committee cannot properly assess whether Ms. DeVos is fit to run the U.S. Department of Education.

Testimony and Public Comment
Tamara Draut
Vijay Das
Mark Huelsman
Nuestras investigaciones demuestran como las normas estatales y locales que protegen a información sobre el status migratorio de la gente son generalmente permitidas. Por parte de la policía local, la denegación de honrar a solicitudes que detengan a los inmigrantes, también es permitida y aún puede
Katherine Culliton-González
Joanna Cuevas Ingram
Bajo la Constitución y las leyes antidiscriminación, los gobiernos locales pueden proteger a los inmigrantes. Así lo reafirmó un reporte titulado “ Santuarios, Seguridad y Comunidad: Herramientas para acoger a los inmigrantes a través de la democracia local”, en el cual se detallan los mecanismos
In the media
Camille Padilla Dalmau

A report on the ability of local communities to decide, based on their own form of local government, how they may enact policies to protect immigrant rights.

Policy Briefs
Katherine Culliton-González
Joanna E. Cuevas Ingram
“I was the victim of wage theft, exploitation, and of a stolen paycheck. I was never paid for time I regularly worked before clocking in. Every time I spoke up about the problem I was retaliated against by having my hours cut and my shifts changed.”
Amy Traub

Debido a las preocupaciones acerca de las crecientes amenazas a las comunidades de inmigrantes respecto a varias posturas políticas migratorias de índole racial promovidas por la administración federal entrante,1 Demos y LatinoJustice PRLDEF presentan este informe preliminar sobre las decisiones que

Policy Briefs
Katherine Culliton-González
Joanna E. Cuevas Ingram
Americans are working longer and harder than ever, yet in recent years the gains from economic growth have gone disproportionately to the very highest income earners.1 Working people are left out in the cold, denied their fair share of pay for the work they do.
Dear Members of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions:
Testimony and Public Comment