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Big-money politics is a key barrier to people of color achieving equal representation. 

Adam Lioz
You can be sure that communities are fighting back against the far-reaching, multi-headed, xenophobic and draconian first wave of Trump’s immigration enforcement apparatus. Everyone who believes in equality and justice can assist in this community-led battle for the soul of our democracy.
Katherine Culliton-González
Judge Neil Gorsuch’s overall record reveals that time and again he sides with the wealthy and powerful over ordinary Americans.
Adam Lioz
San Francisco mayor Ed Lee and city supervisor Jane Kim announced on Monday that the city would offer free community college to any of its residents, effective this fall.
In the media
Robin White Goode
What the President can do—or should have done—to stop the anti-Muslim hate, anti-Semitic hate, and anti-immigrant hate that has spread across the country.
In the media

The state legislature should support the Maryland Law Enforcement and Governmental Trust Act (“Trust Act”) and its model of limiting state and local involvement with federal immigration law enforcement.

Testimony and Public Comment
Katherine Culliton-González
Washington, DC – Less than a day after his first nominee for Labor Secretary, Andrew Puzder, withdrew his name due to unprecedented opposition from workers, legislators and advocates, President Donald Trump announced his new choice to run the Department of Labor, Alexander Acosta. Tamara Draut, Vice
Press release/statement
 [...] So-called “ challenge statutes” have long been a subject of controversy. A 2012 Demos study referred to “bullies at the ballot box” measures, arguing that “There is a real danger that voters will face overzealous volunteers who take the law into their own hands to target voters they deem
In the media
John Nichols
The throngs of protesters who attended the Women’s March on Washington, and who continue to demonstrate at airports, town halls, and on city streets around the country, have made clear that opposition to Donald Trump’s radical Republican agenda will be sustained and powerful. But to earn the trust
In the media
Heather McGhee
Much of America’s greatness is due to the contributions of immigrants. One of our founding fathers—Alexander Hamilton—was an immigrant from the Caribbean.
Algernon Austin