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The government contracts out hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of business to private entities, who in turn employ a huge share of American workers. But on Monday, President Trump signed a measure that will make it easier for those same firms to get a slice of that business even if they abuse
In the media
Bryce Covert
There’s a lot happening in the sanctuary movement. These are defining moments in our democracy.
Katherine Culliton-González
Last week I had the privilege of testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee about President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Neil Gorsuch. Wth the Court split four-to-four on so many critical issues, the stakes couldn’t be higher. But even beyond issues, what’s at stake with this
Heather C. McGhee
Nearly a year ago, a colleague (Taylor Lincoln, the research director of Public Citizen) and I made five recommendations for then-candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to run a transparent presidential transition.
Heath Brown
Friends and foes of Neil Gorsuch lobbied the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday both for and against confirmation of the Colorado-based judge to the Supreme Court. Heather McGhee, president of Demos, a liberal policy think tank, lambasted Gorsuch for not distancing himself from the court’s decision
In the media
Lydia Wheeler
March 23, 2017 (New York, NY) – Ahead of the House of Representatives vote on President Trump’s American Health Care Act, Tamara Draut, Vice President of Policy and Research at Demos, released the following statement: “It is unconscionable that on the anniversary of the Affordable Care Act – which
Press release/statement
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) confronted Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch about the vicious cycle facing our democracy: of severe concentration of economic power yielding severe concentration of political power.
In the media
Allie Boldt
March 23, 2017 (New York, NY) – At the conclusion of the four day Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Judge Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court, Heather McGhee, President of Demos, released the following statement: “Today, I had the opportunity to testify before the Senate Judiciary
Press release/statement

"With the Supreme Court split four-to-four on so many critical issues, the stakes could not be higher."

Testimony and Public Comment
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) confronted Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch about the vicious cycle facing our democracy: of severe concentration of economic power yielding severe concentration of political power.
Allie Boldt