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California has a funny habit of anticipating national political trends. Celebrity chief executives with no previous political experience who ride name recognition and controversy to victory? Seen it once or twice before. A spate of deregulatory policy leading to exploitation and corruption
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Sean McElwee
Matt McDermott
William Jordan
Unscrupulous financial corporations could make a whole lot more money if the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau didn’t stand in their way.
Amy Traub
Empty seats in a classroom lecture hall at an angle
With so many eventual graduates starting at community colleges, we should take a hard look at institutional aid policies, which reward incoming freshmen much more than transfer students.
Mark Huelsman
Twenty-seven progressive groups said in a Thursday news release provided to McClatchy that they would join a planned Tax Day protest of President Donald Trump, as liberal activists prepare for what might be the biggest demonstration against the White House occupant since the Women’s March on
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Alex Roarty
Gorsuch, simply put, is not up to the job. His record suggests that he will side with big money over working families.
Emmanuel Caicedo
Another question is how much the Cuomo and Raimondo plans will truly benefit low-income students. Both proposals are what’s called “last-dollar” initiatives, meaning the states would only pay the balance of tuition after students use up existing state and federal aid, including Pell Grants. These
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Graham Vyse
What a time for democracy. Scan the front page of any national newspaper these days, and even the most optimistic of #resistors can feel overwhelmed. The Russian government, say intelligence reports, conducted an “influence campaign” against Clinton and in favor of Trump. Now, the FBI is
Allegra Chapman
Tuesday, March 28 (NEW YORK, NY) – Heather McGhee, President of Demos, a New York-based public policy organization and think tank, issued the following statement after Donald Trump signed the repeal of the Fair Pay and Safe Workplace Executive Order:
Press release/statement
Smart climate rules can have substantial job-boosting potential.
Lew Daly
The government contracts out hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of business to private entities, who in turn employ a huge share of American workers. But on Monday, President Trump signed a measure that will make it easier for those same firms to get a slice of that business even if they abuse
In the media
Bryce Covert