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April 26, 2017 (New York, NY) – In response to Donald Trump’s proposed tax plan, Tamara Draut, Vice President of Policy & Research at Demos, a NY based public policy think tank, issued the following statement: “This tax proposal shows once again that Donald Trump is no populist, but rather is hewing
Press release/statement
Dear Commissioners Salas, Agarwal, and Malalis: Demos appreciates the opportunity to offer testimony on the state of workers’ rights in New York City. We are a non-partisan public policy organization working for an America where we all have an equal say in our democracy and an equal chance in our
Testimony and Public Comment
Amy Traub
The division that threatens to split this country in two is not between red and blue states, or between rural and urban areas – it is between the way we discuss politics and the realities of American lives, none of which fit into tidy categories. Contrary to popular narratives, you can be a
In the media
Sarah Smarsh
On the impact of the self-driving technology on people who drive for a living.
Algernon Austin
While Trump and his allies can debate his progress elsewhere, there’s little dispute that the president’s congressional agenda has been a wreck so far. His glaring failure to sign any major legislation or at least make significant progress on a signature bill stands out among modern presidents. [
In the media
Jim Lo Scalzo
Supporters of a higher minimum wage, however, remain undeterred. "Wal-Mart's business model is pretty simple," said Amy Traub, an associate director of policy and research at equality advocacy group Demos, at a recent debate hosted by Intelligence Squared U.S. (IQ2) in New York.
In the media
Lauren Thomas
With the Trump effect, we have now entered into a new era of exacerbated racial discrimination against Latino, Asian and black immigrant communities in the United States.
Katherine Culliton-González
To better understand capital punishment in America—how it works, who it affects, and the myths that continue to surround it—we’ve compiled 10 of the best long form articles on the subject from Fusion and around the web. “ Racism Is Keeping the Death Penalty Alive,” by Jason McDaniel and Sean McElwee
In the media
Anne Branigin
In cities across our nation, Americans rose up around the issue that brought our founding fathers to their feet and began a revolution: taxes.
In the media
Heather McGhee
Sean McElwee, a policy analyst for Demos and frequent contributor to Salon, published a statistical analysis last week, based on data collected by the American National Election Studies that clearly demonstrates that racism, rather th
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Amanda Marcotte