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A 2015 report by Demos found that California had one of the country’s the lowest ratios of DMV voter registration applications to DMV transactions, between 0.01 and 0.1. [...]
In the media
Sam Levine
Legal Action taken due to State’s Failure to Comply with "Motor Voter" Law SACRAMENTO, CA —Voting rights groups filed a federal lawsuit today against California’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for its failure to offer federally mandated voter registration opportunities to millions of
Press release/statement
Here, we offer new data to show that shifts in which racial groups went to the polls may have made the difference.
In the media
Sean McElwee
Bernard L. Fraga
Jesse Rhodes
Brian Schaffner
Our analysis shows Trump accelerated a realignment in the electorate around racism, across several different measures of racial animus—and that it helped him win. By contrast, we found little evidence to suggest individual economic distress benefited Trump. [...]
In the media
Sean McElwee
Jason McDaniel
Two priority areas for infrastructure investments to achieve racial equity.
Algernon Austin
May 5, 2017 (New York, NY) – Amidst multiple ongoing investigations into the shooting death of 15-year-old Jordan Edwards at the hands of a Texas police officer, Heather McGhee, President of the New York-based public policy think tank Demos, issued the following statement: “Jordan Edwards was a 15
Press release/statement
Donald Trump campaigned as the defender of working Americans. In his inaugural address, Trump vowed that every decision he made would be to benefit America’s workers. Yet his proposed federal budget, Cabinet appointments, and other actions since taking office suggest little concern for workers’
Amy Traub
May 4, 2017 (New York, NY) – Following the passage of Trumpcare in the House of Representatives, Tamara Draut, Vice President of Policy and Research at Demos, a New York based public policy think tank, issued the following statement:
Press release/statement
This hour, we tackle issues involving race, policy, and U.S. democracy with Demos President Heather McGhee.
In the media
Lydia Brown
Lucy Nalpathanchil
Baltimore, MD – Today, Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh issued guidance to Maryland state and local governments regarding the rights and obligations of law enforcement officials in immigration enforcement. The Attorney General’s guidance makes clear that the U.S. and Maryland Constitution
Press release/statement