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Tuesday, May 23 (NEW YORK, NY) – Tamara Draut, Vice President of Research and Policy at Demos, a New York-based public policy organization and think tank, issued this statement following the unveiling of President Trump’s full budget to Congress: “The deeply alarming budget released by the Trump
Press release/statement
Today, the Supreme Court declined to review a lower court decision upholding limits on so-called "soft money" in politics. Congress enacted these limits as part of the McCain-Feingold Act in hopes of stopping wealthy donors from funneling huge sums of unregulated or “soft” money to political parties
Allie Boldt
Senate Republicans on Thursday advanced President Trump’s first lower court nominee, setting up a floor vote. [...] A coalition of 24 groups, including Demos, Every Voice Center, End Citizens United and Free Speech for People, wrote to the committee this week to urge members to reject Thapar’s
In the media
Lydia Wheeler
Underlying much of the conversation about basic income is an effort to respond to the changing structure of the economy and the labor market.
Connie M. Razza
Dear Member of the Judiciary Committee:
Testimony and Public Comment
New York, NY - Following yesterday’s reporting that former FBI Director James Comey recorded a contemporaneous account of President Trump urging him to end the agency’s investigation into Russian interference with the U.S. election and earlier revelations that Trump shared highly sensitive
Press release/statement
New York, New York — Today, Demos, Every Voice, People for the American Way, and 21 other organizations sent a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee opposing Judge Amul Thapar’s confirmation to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. The organizations called into question Judge
Press release/statement
Despite important advances with ballot initiatives and the rise of the powerful Fight for $15 movement, there is still progress to be made on raising the minimum wage.
Sean McElwee
The National Retail Federation was expecting a Mother’s Day bonanza on Sunday, predicting consumers would “spend more than ever… as they shower moms with everything from jewelry to special outings at favorite restaurants.” If their projections proved correct, many individual moms got a lot of love
Amy Traub
This Mothers’ Day, as the mother of two stepsons who came from Guatemala and one son born here, I’m grateful that all three of my children and their father have their papers. That was literally the first thing that crossed my mind after Donald Trump was elected.
Katherine Culliton-González