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Fewer American high school students are working summer jobs and part-time jobs than a decade ago, and that will likely mean lower wage-earning capacity in their futures, research indicates. In 2000, about 34 percent of high school students age 16 and older held jobs, but that share had fallen to 18
In the media
Meagan Clark
(New York, New York) — As the country struggles to find remedies for its growing student debt problem, the national public policy organization Demos has released The Affordable College Compact, a new a proposal for a federal-state matching program to alleviate this burden for students and address
Press release/statement
When the Senate went to college, they paid an average of just over $11,443. If they attended the exact same institutions today, they’d pay an average of $32,279.
Mark Huelsman

A Federal-State Partnership to Increase State Investment and Return to Debt-Free Public Higher Education

Policy Briefs
Mark Huelsman
It’s the classic Catch-22 of the doomed job search: How do you get a job? You need experience. And how do you get experience? Get a job. But for many, the unemployment cycle gets further twisted when it intersects with the debt cycle. When prospective employers run credit checks, a bad report
In the media
Michelle Chen
A bill that aims to “prohibit discrimination based on one’s consumer credit history” by banning employers from doing credit checks on job applicants will be the subject of a City Council hearing set for 10 a.m. Sept. 12 at City Hall. [...] According to an article by Amy Traub titled “Discredited
In the media
Kaycia Sailsman
A tool that will clarify and measure the way policy reinforces racial disparities.
Catherine Ruetschlin
It’s hard to make broad causal inferences about student debt and homeownership among recent graduates, because there are simply too many factors in play.
Mark Huelsman
This fall, I’ll be teaching some of the most financially distressed students in America.
In the media

How Higher Education Cuts Undermine the State’s Future Middle Class

Robert Hiltonsmith
Mark Huelsman