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Most students go into debt to pay for college. And while no one wants to be in the red, a new report from left-leaning think tank Demos argues that the increasingly debt-financed higher education system in the United States is especially harmful to low-income, black and Latino kids.
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Emily Deruy
Black woman working at computer in college library
The most important fact about higher education is that only a minority of people go to college. That fact would change if college was affordable for more people.
Mark Huelsman
One of the major concerns that surround unpaid internships is access. Wealthier students benefit; poor students don’t.
In the media
Eric Adler
Mara Rose Williams
[...] Given growing levels of student debt combined with stagnant incomes over the past few decades, “something has to give somewhere,” said Mark Huelsman, a senior policy analyst at Demos, a left-leaning think tank.
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Jillian Berman
Black culture and the role racism plays in black American history are discussed at length in the national dialogue around race relations. We regularly debate use of the “n-word,” for example, and the impact of historical racism on outcomes for black Americans.
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[...] “More than half of education and related expenses at public universities is now paid for through tuition, up from about 35 percent in 2001,” wrote study author Robert Hiltonsmith, Demos’ senior policy analyst. In essence, public universities are no longer public, he said: They have become de
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Tim Stuhldreher
The Affordable Care Act is probably the most progressive policy Americans born after the Great Society will witness in their lifetimes. It has saved tens of thousands of Americans from premature death and has already insured more than 12 million people. It has already defined Barack Obama’s legacy
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Sean McElwee
[...] Mark Huelsman, senior policy analyst at Demos, said that the debt-free concept relies on what many higher education policy groups have long been saying: that states need to boost their spending on higher education and that student loan debt is crushing some borrowers and a drag on the economy.
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Michael Stratford
[...] Looking at the types of programs named last month, opponents to cuts see what they call a guise to squeeze a public education system tasked with growing demands and enrollment but declining funding. "There are people in the policy and political sphere who really feel this issue is getting
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Seth Soffian
Students living in President Hillary Clinton’s America could go to college debt-free, her campaign manager hinted earlier this week. Making college more affordable is part of Clinton’s plan to boost quality of life for ordinary Americans, Robby Mook, “Hillary for America” campaign manager, told CNBC
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Jillian Berman