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[...] The debt-free college initiative is based on a plan sketched out by liberal think tank Demos. It calls for the federal government to award grants to states that increase spending on higher education and increase need-based grant aid.
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Danielle Douglas-Gabriel
The fact that student debt continues to soar is troubling enough. Now there is clear evidence that it also deepens the gap between the haves and the have-nots.
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Virginia Myers
Student debt can weigh you down long into adulthood, and might make you less likely to ever be able to retire. That's according to a new analysis from Demos, a progressive think tank. This chart shows the clear benefit of getting a college degree. Households with some college but no degree are
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Libby Nelson
[...] A separate report this week by the left-leaning think tank Demos suggests that black students may also be disproportionately impacted by such policies.
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Molly Hensley-Clancy
[...] One effect of the ruling is that it’ll now be easier to sue an employer over an expensive 401(k) plan, turning up the legal pressure a notch. Those expenses matter. A 2012 study by Demos, a New York City-based think tank, found that over a lifetime, 401(k) fees cost a two-earner family with a
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Grant Easterbrook
(New York, NY)- During the next few weeks thousands of students across the country will graduate from college, an accomplishment that used to symbolize a step toward financial independence and entry into the middle class.
Press release/statement
[...] The nation’s yawning wealth gap is a major reason why minority students end up borrowing more for college. Structural racism has created disparities in home ownership rates, income and other wealth-building vehicles, providing minority borrowers with fewer resources to tap to pay for college
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Jillian Berman
In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson vowed that no student wishing to attend college would "be turned away because his family is poor." Half a century later, a shift in the way college is funded and the declining fortunes of minorities and poor families since the recession have created a college-debt
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Aimee Picchi

A comprehensive look at how the reality of debt-financed college impacts the whole pipeline of decision-making related to college.

Mark Huelsman
Most students go into debt to pay for college. And while no one wants to be in the red, a new report from left-leaning think tank Demos argues that the increasingly debt-financed higher education system in the United States is especially harmful to low-income, black and Latino kids.
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Emily Deruy