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The Federal Reserve just released the minutes of its December meeting at which the Fed Funds rate was increased, for the first time in years, by 0.25 percentage points. The vote was unanimous, but the minutes show a great deal of concern that lower unemployment rates have not moved inflation from
Wallace C. Turbeville
The fourth quarter of the Obama presidency has been relatively active when it comes to higher education. Yet, he can go further.
Mark Huelsman
The fourth quarter of the Obama presidency has been relatively active when it comes to higher education. Last year alone, the Administration announced a proposal to make two years of community college tuition-free, finalized and released a treasure trove of data on earnings and loan repayment data
In the media
Mark Huelsman
Demos Vice President of Policy & Research Tamara Draut released the following statement: "Tonight, President Obama delivered his last State of the Union and laid out his hopes not just for his final year of presidency but also his vision for the future of America.
Press release/statement
Today, the Supreme Court hears arguments in a pivotal case on union rights in Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association. If they decide on behalf of the plaintiffs, the justices would overturn a 1977 Supreme Court decision allowing public sector unions to collect fair share fees from all
Press release/statement
Friedrichs v. CTA, is ostensibly about one teacher’s right to not join her teachers union, but that choice is already available to any worker everywhere in America. This case is really just another attack on workers’ ability to join together and make their voices heard.
Liz Kennedy
This is a stealth attack on collective bargaining.
In the media
Charles P. Pierce
Robert Hiltonsmith, a researcher at the think tank Demos, has estimated that the average household loses $155,000 in potential gains as a result of unnecessary fees.
In the media
Helaine Olen
Harold Pollack
Bernie Sanders rang in the New Year with a rally in downtown Manhattan renewing his call to break up the big banks and jail executives who break laws. He also distilled the damage done by a predatory unconstrained economy into a single theme: for a long time, the rich have been getting richer as
Wallace C. Turbeville
New Demos Proposal Details How to Direct Capital Investments into America’s Long-Term Infrastructure and Sustainability Needs
Press release/statement