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Stethoscope and medical papers
With its purchase of OneMedical—and, even more recently, its purchase of iRobot, Amazon is able to harvest even more data, sound, and video. This has frightening implications for people’s civil and human rights.
Microphones and recording devices gathered around a person
"Today's passage of the Inflation Reduction Act is a testament to the tireless organizing by Black and brown communities to elevate climate change and rising, unchecked corporate power as existential threats."
Press release/statement
Taifa Smith Butler
The Supreme Court
The Court and Congress should be accountable to the people, not corporations.
Laura Williamson
Daniella Zessoules
Microphones and recording devices gathered around a person
Angela Hanks has joined the Demos staff as Chief of Programs. Hanks comes to the organization with extensive experience working within the public and nonprofit sectors and a passion for the pursuit of racial equity.
Press release/statement
Angela Hanks with Background
Hanks comes to Demos with a passion for the pursuit of equity and justice.
Microphones and recording devices gathered around a person
"The consequences of this decision—made by just 6 people on an increasingly illegitimate Supreme Court—will be devastating."
Press release/statement
Taifa Smith Butler
Taifa and Joshua at the Poor People's March
Our nation’s leaders made Juneteenth a holiday—now it’s time they act on voting rights and economic justice for Black communities.
Taifa Smith Butler
Multiracial group holding hands
The Inclusive Democracy Project (IDP) convening brought together a community of Demos’ partners and leaders in the movement to share space and connect with each other.
Taifa Smith Butler
New Economy Project and Public Bank NYC Rally Photo
At a time when unchecked corporate profiteering masquerades as inflation, a proposed NYC public bank would center the interests of, and fund projects for, Black and Brown communities.

This case study highlights how New Economy Project and the Public Bank NYC coalition are pressing for the creation of a public bank for New York City, as part of a broader vision for economic and racial justice.
