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As with any big reform, the push for debt-free college has been met with pushback among a skeptical elite. We have answers for their major concerns.

Policy Briefs
Mark Huelsman
Student debt is a crisis, holding back the economy and hobbling a generation. Wonder why today’s young adults aren’t getting married, having children, buying homes, starting businesses, saving the world? Look no further, the culprit is obvious. That’s the conventional wisdom, and it’s taken for
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Beckie Supiano
To halt and even reverse the trend of ever-rising tuition without compromising the quality of higher education, we must reinvest in higher education.
Robert Hiltonsmith
Federal deficit hawks in Congress, driven by ideology and the campaign donations of, for lack of a better term, millionaires and billionaires, held yet another hearing last week about the national debt — but U.S. lawmakers continue to ignore the debt that is causing real trouble for the nation. The
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Darrell Delamaide
Amid soaring inequality and stagnant wages, consumers in the United States collectively accumulated a stunning $34.4 billion in credit card debt during the second quarter of 2016 alone, according to a new report from the personal finance website WalletHub.
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Sarah Lazare
On Labor Day, let’s all take a moment to thank our bosses for the rights and benefits they have so generously granted us. Oh wait, that’s right. Decent wages and working conditions were never gifts. Workers organized, fought, and in many cases died for each and every improvement in our working lives
Lynn Kanter
 Climate change poses a more dire threat to the millennial generation than rising seas do to their parents’ basement.
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Michelle Chen
Troubling evidence is mounting that student debt is most burdensome for those who can least afford it.
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Allesandra Lanza
Because blue-collar worker income in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark is so high, Americans are often surprised to learn that none of the Nordic social democracies have minimum wage laws. The truth is that they don’t need them, thanks to the immense (albeit gradually waning) power of Scandinavian labor
Ned Resnikoff
When environmentalists speak of climate change, they often talk of “future generations.” But generations already here are poised to suffer long-term consequences. Climate change will affect millennials drastically—including in their wallets.
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Yessenia Funes