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Women workers can keep the pressure on city- and state-level legislators ahead of the 2018 midterm elections. "Find out what your city council is doing in terms of a fair working wage, paid leave, and paid sick days. Get those on the agenda. That is a lever that is much easier to influence."
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Clare O'Connor
Data show that student loan defaults or delinquency are becoming the norm
Press release/statement
Since the upset election defeat of Hillary Clinton, Democrats have been debating whether they should pursue working-class politics or
Algernon Austin
New York could join the ranks of states likes of Tennessee and Oregon (in addition to dozens of cities) that have enacted some version of tuition-free public college.
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Mark Huelsman
The greatest challenge facing President-elect Trump is following through with his campaign promises to raise the living standard for working-class Americans and bring back manufacturing jobs.
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Tamara Draut
Having a child under the age of 5 is hard enough, but in the United States, parenting comes with the added bonus of near-financial ruin. If we don’t do something about this, the economic consequences for the country are not going to be pretty.[...]
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Emily Peck
Next week, Washington, D.C.’s municipal government will vote on new legislation that, if enacted, would guarantee people working in the District up to 11 weeks of paid leave to care for a new baby or child. But this is just the latest in a string of state and local governments taking action to
In the media
Amy Traub
A persistent racial wealth gap, waning investment in higher education and limited institutional resources are driving up the rate of borrowing at historically black colleges and universities, with 4 out of 5 undergraduates relying on student loans to finance their education, according to a new study
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Danielle Douglas-Gabriel

From the time a baby is born, American families are trapped between the need to provide care for their children and the necessity of earning income. 

Amy Traub
Robert Hiltonsmith
Tamara Draut
New York, NY – Today, Demos, a New York-based think tank, released a new report examining the economic conditions and current lack of workplace policies that trap the parents of young children between supporting their families and providing care. The report, which is titled “The Parent Trap,”
Press release/statement