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Family comes first. That means all families should have access to affordable and high-quality choices for their children’s early care and education.
Amy Traub
Bill would ensure all students have access to an affordable college education
Press release/statement

The Debt-Free College Act of 2018 would create a new federal-state partnership that re-funds our neglected system of public colleges and job training.

Policy Briefs
Mark Huelsman
Vijay Das
Last week, Betsy DeVos and the U.S. Department of Education did something uncharacteristic. In an extraordinary announcement, the Department argued that states do not have authority to oversee student loan companies operating in their states and that regulation should be left to the federal
In the media
Mark Huelsman
Last week, I asked the research group Morning Consult to conduct a poll on education. The main question gave parents a list of schooling levels — high school, community college, four-year college — and asked which they wanted their own children to attain. The results were overwhelming: 74 percent
In the media
David Leonhardt
We all have to grow up, whether we want to or not. The Toys 'R' Us announcement that it is closing its U.S. stores should be a pivotal moment in the maturation of how we as a nation think about wealth and debt, and the rules that make it possible for companies and communities to be resilient.
Connie M. Razza
Data Show Nearly 80 Percent of Americans Want to Ensure All Students Can Graduate Without Debt
Press release/statement
But what we know about today’s college students doesn’t support the notion that such a large share of students would be using their loan money for spring break would be using their loan money for spring break, said Mark Huelsman, a senior policy analyst at Demos, a left-leaning think tank. [...]
In the media
Jillian Berman
[M]ore and more Americans are realizing student debt has become a widespread financial problem: 92% of American voters said as much in a recent study by policy think tank Demos.
In the media
James Dennin
Findings show declining investment in public college in 49 out of 50 states since 2001, and skyrocketing prices for the working class
Press release/statement