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Experts debate if the housing market is an overinflated bubble, or a strong seller's market. The forum was sponsored by Demos, a public advocacy group that among other issues concentrates on questions of economic opportunity.
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Chris Isidore
Senior Policy Associate Javier Silva examines the new financial insecurities created as more Americans refinance their homes. That's the short version of a new and disturbing study by Silva called "House of Cards: Refinancing the American Dream." It shows how millions of U.S. households are falling
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Robert Trigaux
New York, NY — Across the United States, families increasingly rely on credit cards to make up for stagnant wage growth and soaring costs. In order to cope, homeowners are depleting their home's equity to pay off a growing mountain of unsecured debt. This is a financial strategy fraught with serious
Press release/statement
As tuition costs and enrollment rose through the 1990s, grant money did not keep pace, meaning students have been shouldering an ever-increasing share of their education costs. While before, most were able to finance their studies with grants and part-time work, loans are now inescapable for many.
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Peter Svensson
A combination of escalating student loan and credit-card debt, rising costs, slow wage growth and underemployment have accumulated debt "unmatched in modern history" undermining the economic security and financial health of young Americans aged 18-34, according to a new study. The report,
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Amilda Dymi
NEW YORK — The economic security of younger Americans is eroding at an alarming pace as a result of slow wage growth, underemployment, rising costs and mounting student loan and credit card debt, according to a new report, "Generation Broke: The Growth of Debt Among Younger Americans," released
Press release/statement
New York, NY — The Inequality Matters conference kicks off on Thursday, June 3rd at New York University (NYU), with keynotes by Bill Moyers and Barbara Ehrenreich. The conference will raise an alarm about the explosive growth in economic inequality in the U.S., examine its causes, and create a forum
Press release/statement
Between 1992 and 2001, the average credit-card debt among Americans over age 65 nearly doubled to $4,041.
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Marilyn Gardner
NEW YORK — Over the last decade, high interest rate debt among America's seniors has skyrocketed, making them the fastest growing age group headed into bankruptcy court, according to a new report, "Retiring in the Red: The Growth of Debt Among Older Americans," released today from Demos, a non
Press release/statement

NEW: SECOND EDITION. "Retiring in the Red" is part of the Borrowing to Make Ends Meet Briefing Paper Series. Reports an 89% average increase in credit card debt among America's seniors from 1992 to 2001. Key Findings:

Tamara Draut
Heather C. McGhee