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Keep That Same Energy
Why we've organized an event series for black and brown millennials.
Shanaé Bass
David Perrin
Lesley Williams
Black student reclined and working on computer
The idea of canceling student debt has become a topic of considerable debate. Here's what you need to know about the Warren and Sanders student debt plans and what still needs to be answered.
Mark Huelsman

The Supreme Court should hold that Title VII bars discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.


LGB+ Voices in the 2019 Black Census

Black Futures Lab
Color Of Change
SocioAnalitica Research
Black couple looking out at Baltimore waterfront
Baltimore’s campaign donors lack diversity across race, gender, and socioeconomic status. The Baltimore Fair Election Fund, designed with equity and community engagement at the forefront, can change that.
Laura Williamson
This racial disparity is the product of centuries of policies that intentionally excluded and oppressed African Americans.
In the media
Steve Cohen
While Demos celebrates the legislation’s strong mandate on emissions reductions, the governor’s exclusion of community investment mandates and labor standards prolongs the fight for climate justice in New York and nationwide.
Press release/statement
“There was an assumption that the student debt problem was concentrated among those at for-profit colleges or predatory programs. Or it was seen as a problem with repayment and not necessarily with debt itself. That has shifted over the last couple of years.”
In the media
Andrew Kreighbaum
"White families who did not graduate from high school have the same level of wealth as a black family with a college education. All this has led to a system where black families in particular, but also Latinas, have less wealth to face the challenges when it comes to paying off that debt."
In the media
Amy Rolph
“The equity components are the pieces that appear to have been weakened the most."
In the media
Justine Calma