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New Brief Shows Young Americans Need Wall Street Reform Washington — Young Americans face "lasting damage" from the dual crises in the financial sector and in personal finance, making it urgent that Congress pass strong financial reform legislation.
Press release/statement

Young adults have an enormous stake in the financial regulatory reform debate. They have paid a high price for a banking crisis caused by lax regulation, and their economic futures will depend on rebuilding strong public structures for financial regulation going forward. This briefing paper

Policy Briefs
United States Student Association
Over nine out of 10 senior households of color do not have sufficient economic security to sustain themselves through their projected lives.
Press release/statement
Washington — Senator Al Franken (D-MN) has introduced a financial-reform amendment that finally addresses the root problem of the credit rating agencies—their built-in conflict of interest. The "Restore Integrity to Credit Ratings" amendment, co-sponsored by Senators Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Bill
Press release/statement
Cleveland — Ohio's young adults will continue to face a tough economy--one ravaged not only by recession but also by 30 years of declining opportunity and security for all but the most highly educated and affluent, according to a new report by Policy Matters Ohio and the national policy center Demos
Press release/statement

Congress now has the opportunity to erect new public structures guaranteeing stability, transparency and competition in banking.

Testimony and Public Comment
Heather C. McGhee
Call out Wall Street for its Abuses and Army of Lobbyists Fighting to Block Needed Protections
Press release/statement
Demos Looks Ahead to Critical Floor Debate
Press release/statement

The era of deregulated finance has shown that without public structures to ensure accountability and fairness, the system can not sustain itself.

Policy Briefs
Heather C. McGhee
Tamara Draut
Demos Issues Statement on CARD Act and Upcoming Financial Regulation Debate; Publishes Background Paper on Consumer Financial Protection Agency
Press release/statement