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What’s a budget gimmick?
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Jonathan Bernstein
Conservative Dems shouldn't be fooled: The "CAP" Act would mandate huge cuts to popular domestic programs — even when there's a budget surplus.
In the media
Heather C. McGhee

How Maine can use deposits of state tax revenue to tilt the economic playing field back toward Main Street businesses, our community banks, and long-term job growth. 

Heather C. McGhee
Jason Judd
Report: A "Realistic Solution" To The "Long-Term Budget Outlook" Includes "Rebalancing The Tax Code And Increasing Tax Revenue From Those Most Able To Pay." In a November 2010 report titled, Investing in America's Economy: A Budget Blueprint for Economic Recovery and Fiscal Responsibility, Demos
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But a national debt of more than $14 trillion makes us vulnerable because our economy is the wellspring of our military might, as well as the happiness and self-confidence of a fully employed people.
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H. Brandt Meyers
Let's check out some numbers. There are, right this very moment, more than a billion computers worldwide. Two hundred million televisions were sold is 2009 alone. Eight million dashtop GPS units were purchased in 2008. One hundred and ten million digital cameras were sold in 2009. Apple blew out 20
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Gord Gable
A national webcast teach-in addressing the roots of the current economic crisis and what people are doing to fight back
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New York, NY – On the eve of Earth Day, a new report by the policy center Demos spotlights the dangerous effects of the millions of tons of electronics that are thrown away each year by American households.
Press release/statement
A study released by Demos, a research and advocacy organization, may shed light on why some working families have credit card debt and others don't. The study, "Understanding the Debt Difference," is based on survey research of 2,248 low- and middle-income adults between April 2008 and August 2008
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A Washington Investment Trust will generate new revenue for Washington, save local governments money, and make our businesses less dependent on the Wall Street banks that have cut back on lending to small businesses and consumers in our state.

Policy Briefs
Heather C. McGhee
Jason Judd