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Demos’s report details how historical and structural racism contributes to higher interest rates and insurance costs for Black and Latinx people, compared to white Americans.
In the media
Faiza Amin
Diverse audience smiling and clapping
Some presidential candidates' critiques promote unhelpful assumptions about who tuition-free and debt-free college would actually serve. (Spoiler: it's not millionaires and billionaires.)
Mark Huelsman

In 2019, progressive organizations, funders, academics, artists, and more came together to strategize about what must be done to face and address the crises undermining our democracy.

"Through this bill, the maximum Pell Grant would cover 31% of the total cost of college, so it moves us in a better direction."
In the media
Zach Schermele

The Disparate Impact standard is critical to continued and enhanced opportunity to access fair credit, housing, and homeownership. Demos strongly opposes efforts to undermine this longstanding enforcement tool.

Testimony and Public Comment
Amy Traub
Group of smiling college students sitting outside on a bench
An analysis of the House's recently introduced College Affordability Act.
Mark Huelsman
So the next time Democrats complain about lower voter turnout, not just in 53206, but in any beleaguered neighborhood, they might think first about the policies, both old and new, that have served and continue to serve as stumbling blocks for black political participation.
In the media
Caleb Gayle
"We have depressed ourselves into a mindset in which $30,000 in debt is acceptable for a degree."
In the media
Rashaan Ayesh
“We have depressed ourselves into a mindset in which $30,000 in debt is acceptable for a degree.”
In the media
Chris Quintana
View of woman from behind as she looks out at incoming storm clouds
The future of our planet demands that we recognize our historic inequities and prioritize those who have been most impacted by climate change throughout history.
Trisha Hahn