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Portability, ownership and innovation are three key features of 401(k) plans that make them worth keeping. That was the case laid out by Paul Schott Stevens at a "town hall" meeting in Los Angeles this afternoon. The remarks lay out a defense of the mutual fund-heavy savings vehicle even as the
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Neil Anderson
Do you know how much you’re paying in 401(k) fees?
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Jonnelle Marte
Andrea Mulhearn Brobst wants a full-time job.
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Eve Tahmincioglu
But here's the fact that convinced me older Americans need more help managing their debt than new college grads: The age range of low- and middle-income Americans with the highest credit-card debt today is 65 and older — they owe an average of $9,283. By comparison, 18- to 24-year olds average just
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Richard Eisenberg
Millions of Americans with damaged credit records are at risk of being unfairly denied job opportunities by companies that use credit histories to screen applicants. Faced with growing public complaints, seven states have rightly limited the use of credit histories by potential employers. Federal
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There are more than 50 million Americans with investments in 401(k) and other defined-contribution retirement-savings plans. They’re about to be getting more information about the fees they pay. By one estimate, it could be sobering news. Retirement-plan administrators have to provide detailed
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Kelly Greene
The 2009 CARD Act has been celebrated for helping consumers: The law limits interest rate hikes, fees, and other frustrating aspects of the credit card industry. Now, on the three-year anniversary of the bill’s signing, a report from the research and advocacy organization Demos suggests that it has
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Kimberly Palmer
Question: How much money are you paying in 401(k) fees? Answer: Have you thought about buying a home lately?
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Helaine Olen
Do you know how much your 401k is costing you? I would wager not, nor have you ever asked your employer about costs or looked in fund documents to find out. Chances are, it’s far too much and it’s eating away your retirement nest egg. Upcoming Labor Department regulations mandating disclosure of
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John Wasik
Retirement plan fees consume nearly one-third (30.3%) of an investor’s potential assets, a paper contends.
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Rebecca Moore