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Something that you hear about quite a lot these days is the "all of the above" energy plan. The phrase is in both party platforms with the general idea being that our energy needs should be met by using all forms of energy available -- coal, oil, gas, nuclear, renewables, biofuels, etc. Diversifying
In the media
J. Mijin Cha
Unlike the overall labor force, young adults saw unemployment rates rise in the month of August.
Catherine Ruetschlin
A new fact sheet from Demos, College on a Credit Card, investigates the relationship between educational expenses and credit card debt, and shows that putting college on credit can be a very bad deal.
Catherine Ruetschlin
NEW YORK – As millions of young adults begin their fall semesters across the nation, new findings from a national survey by policy center Demos reveal the relationship between college costs and credit card debt, and its impact on students and their parents. READ "COLLEGE ON A CREDIT CARD: THE
Press release/statement

Demos conducted a nationwide survey of low- and middle-income households in early 2012. The findings in this brief summarize the relationship between college costs and credit card debt, and its impact on students and their parents.

Catherine Ruetschlin
Robert Hiltonsmith

Home ownership is commonly understood as the quintessential marker of having arrived in the middle class: a family’s home is often the single largest asset that they own and has traditionally served as an important vehicle for wealth accumulation and economic security. 

Policy Briefs
Amy Traub
Tamara Draut
David Callahan

Unions were instrumental in creating the American middle class, and today they continue to empower millions of Americans to bargain for wages and benefits that are capable of sustaining a middle-class standard of living.

Policy Briefs
Amy Traub
Tamara Draut
David Callahan

Support for Growth, Job Creation, and Career Development

Policy Briefs
Amy Traub
Tamara Draut
David Callahan

Give states additional Child Care and Development Block Grant funding to double the number of children served by child care assistance, make the federal Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit refundable, and expand Head Start and Early Head Start.

Policy Briefs
Amy Traub
Tamara Draut
David Callahan

Provide 12 weeks of paid benefits to employees who need time off work to care for a new child, a sick family member, or their own illness. The self-financing trust is funded by premiums paid equally by employers and employees.

Policy Briefs
Amy Traub
Tamara Draut
David Callahan