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Retail companies don't have to choose between high wages and high profits, argues a new report from the researchers at Demos. In Retail’s Hidden Potential, policy analyst Catherine Ruetschlin says that higher wages across the retail industry would create jobs and reduce poverty without cutting
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Ned Resnikoff
How and why large financial institutions damage the middle class even if there is no financial crisis.
Wallace C. Turbeville

How Raising Wages Would Benefit Workers, the Industry and the Overall Economy

Catherine Ruetschlin
Baby boomers are the first generation in American history to be entering retirement saddled with debt, including unpaid balances on credit cards. The financial crisis in 2008 that sent the economy into a recession crippled many baby boomers’ retirement accounts, forcing many to stay in the workforce
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Roman Shteyn
Henry Ford famously decided in 1914 to pay many of his workers the then incredible sum of five dollars a day, which was substantially higher than the prevailing wage at the time.
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Bob Herbert
NEW YORK -- With $4 trillion in annual revenue, over 15 million employees and projections to be one of the largest sources of new jobs in the next decade, the retail sector plays a vital role in the economy, wielding great influence over the living standards for many Americans.
Press release/statement
The financial industry is coming under growing scrutiny for its shady involvement in student loan debt.
Tamara Draut
Hurricane Sandy is the most recent storm to have shed light on the dangers of development in waterfront areas along the Eastern seaboard, but communities from Colorado to Missouri to South Dakota have also grappled for years with the growing risk of environmental damage from everything from rising
Ilana Novick
No doubt the new International Energy Agency (IEA)'s latest World Energy Outlook will be cause for celebration for the fossil fuel industry. In it, IEA points to the strong oil and gas production in the U.S. and predicts that by within a decade or so, the U.S. will become the world's largest oil
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J. Mijin Cha
The job of reforming Wall Street is far from finished. The most profitable investments for the big banks continue to be Washington lobbyists chipping away at reform and litigators challenging every major rule in court.
Wallace C. Turbeville