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Black worker putting on mask with people waiting in the background
We're all seeing systematic efforts to shift the economic and health risks of the pandemic from governments and employers and onto the backs of disproportionately Black and brown workers.
Amy Traub
Private credit reporting companies should be replaced by a publicly run credit registry that operates in the public interest and that automatically corrects for events like natural disasters and global health crises.
In the media
Amy Traub
Masked postman pushing dolly on empty street
The Postal Service faces a $13 billion revenue loss this fiscal year alone; If the Postal Service is allowed to fail, it will be a tremendous blow to all Americans.
Amy Traub
“The potential for executive action to jumpstart the transition that we need — to reorient our democracy for democratic engagement and redress historic inequities — is huge.”
In the media
Greta Moran
New Orleans oil refinery factory at a distance across a bay on an overcast day
The COVID-19 pandemic is an environmental justice crisis—it has exposed inequalities that have persisted in places across the country with decades of pollution.
Adrien Salazar
Black woman with curly hair wearing mask
There have been devastating reports of disproportionate rates of death in Black communities as a result of COVID-19. Racial capitalism and structural racism are to blame.
In the media
K. Sabeel Rahman
Dr. Peniel Joseph
Black delivery driver with a mask on his face delivering groceries
A unique set of injustices confront workers still heading off to a job every day in the midst of a pandemic.
Amy Traub
Our society has actually been built upon and defined by social distancing for many years. It’s called systemic and institutional racism.
In the media
Rodney McKenzie, Jr.
Blurry caution tape in foreground with U.S. Capitol building in background at night
The CARES Act passed fails to meet a simple moral test - that we protect the most vulnerable among us because it largely excludes immigrant and mixed-status families, including their U.S. citizen children, from stimulus payments.
Press release/statement
Couple hugging
COVID-19 is a threat to everyone, but the economic damage resulting from medically necessary quarantines and shelter-in-place orders is neither random nor equally distributed.
Amy Traub