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“The very rich,” wrote F. Scott Fitzgerald, “are different from you and me.” It turns out he was right. According to a new study by the think-tank Demos ( PDF), the affluent tend to hold a different vision of a just society than the public at large, and it is that vision which tops the political
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Joshua Holland
High Frequency Trading (HFT) is a method used by financial institutions whereby stocks are traded in fractions of a second. The traditional means of buying and selling required bankers to manually decide whether or not something was a good investment in the (semi) long run.
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Ilana Glazer
You may have seen a big outbreak in the academic literature and business media of defenses of liquidity for liquidity’s sake, evidently prompted by increased interest in and in the EU, implementation of transaction taxes as a way to tame speculation and secondarily raise revenues.
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Yves Smith
During an appearance on CNBC yesterday, Charlie Munger, deputy to billionaire investor Warren Buffett, had some harsh words for high-frequency trading, the practice used by huge financial firms to trade stocks in milliseconds. “Take the rapid trading by the computer geniuses with the computer
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Pat Garofalo
Demos released a new report showing how the rise of high frequency trading (HFT) comes at a massive cost to the real economy, despite Wall Street’s claims to the contrary.
Press release/statement
At least one CEO at a big retail company wants to see the minimum wage increased. In fact, he’d like the minimum wage to go even higher than President Obama has proposed.
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Ned Resnikoff
Emmett Pinkston served in the military for 30 years, first in the Marines, then in the Air Force, then in the Army. He helped coordinate security for President George W. Bush during the G8 Summit on Sea Island, Ga., in 2004, and worked as an intelligence analyst in Iraq from 2005 to 2007, some of
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Saki Knafo
It's time to ensure that workers, no matter what their immigration status, have the same rights, and that their status isn't used an excuse to justify abusive behavior.
Ilana Novick
Why elected officials are turning away from the economic policies that long guaranteed hardworking Americans the opportunity to join the middle class.
Press release/statement
The U.S. political system is increasingly gamed against Americans of modest means — a situation exacerbated in recent years by major changes in the nation's campaign laws.
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Dave Levinthal