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It is a myth that we are helpless to do anything about the state of the economy.
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Job security, with good wages and durable industries. A good education. A home to call your own. Affordable health care when you get sick. A secure retirement even if you’re not rich.
Amy Traub
Today President Obama will give a major economic address in Illinois, the first in a series of speeches designed to refocus the national conversation on job creation and the struggling economy.
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George Zornick
Employer-sponsored plans such as 401(k)s are workers' best hope for a secure retirement. Critics of the 401(k) system contend that the plans weren't designed to be the foundation of a secure retirement and should be scrapped in favor of something tailor-made, while supporters of the system say it
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Sheyna Steiner
And you thought the government didn’t have a jobs program. It does. The problem is that the pay and benefits are lousy, and in many cases the working conditions ain’t so great either.
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Bill Moyers
Ian Ayres of Yale University has the 401(k) marketplace fuming.
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John Rekenthaler
Over the past decade or two, top transnational corporations -- including Apple, GE, and Google -- have figured out how to sidestep national tax collection systems, depriving governments of billions of dollars in revenues.
David Callahan
Financial markets, now heavily dependent on technology, need to be safeguarded against cyberattacks, natural disasters and the more prosaic scourge of human error that can cause massive disruptions, according to experts and a federal panel.
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Tamara Lytle
Employers don't want to look at the resumes of unemployed people. In fact, they don't even want those resumes sent to them. Some employers will actually do whatever it takes — without doing anything illegal — to prevent the unemployed from applying for positions at their company.
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Vivian Giang
How financial market practices not only risk catastrophic systemic failure like 2008, they constitute a massive extraction of value from the real economy by the financial sector.
Wallace C. Turbeville