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How Walmart Can Invest in Its Workforce Without Costing Customers a Dime

Catherine Ruetschlin
Amy Traub
There are few better ways to uncover fraud in an industry than to incentivize insiders to blow the whistle on wrongdoing. And a little known part of Dodd-Frank did just that for the securities industry, creating a new whistleblower program run by the SEC that can bestow huge rewards on anyone who
David Callahan
You can explain the current plight of the American middle class in three sentences. Timothy Egan did in the New York Times this week:
Amy Traub
Credit card fees can be expensive and annoying, there’s no doubt about it. But many of them can be avoided if you’re careful and others may be worth paying if you get something worthwhile. For example, many of the best rewards credit cards charge annual fees, but people who use them frequently are
In the media
John Kiernan
“Must have good credit.”
In the media
Amy Traub
If asked, Americans of all political persuasions will say overwhelmingly that they prefer “ tougher rules” for Wall Street. But what does that actually mean?
In the media
David Dayen
Black veteran with children
Black veterans weren't able to make use of the housing provisions of the GI Bill because banks generally wouldn't make loans for mortgages in Black neighborhoods, and African-Americans were excluded from the suburbs by a combination of deed covenants and informal racism.
David Callahan
If a bad job market wasn’t damaging enough, the cost of paying off student loans does much more harm to the long-term prospects of young people than is commonly realized.
In the media
Yves Smith
Here's a question for every reader of this post who lives in a major metro area and has at least a college degree: How many people do you know who make under $40,000 a year? Exclude that artist friend who's husband is in finance. And eliminate younger people still paying their dues. I'm talking
David Callahan
The events of yesterday nicely summed up American economic life: a tiny sliver of people, mostly tech and finance insiders, got fabulously wealthy from Twitter's IPO while 64 people were arrested protesting the poverty wages paid by the largest U.S. employer, Walmart.
David Callahan