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Walmart currently does not support raising the federal minimum wage. However, considering the company's lackluster performance over the past few months, perhaps it's time to take a stand.
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Jillian Berman
In the last four parts of this series, I have discussed the problems of our current student loan system, the potential for an income-based repayment system, and the difficulties of a graduate tax. This leaves us with another proposal: universal free undergraduate public higher education. [...]
In the media
Josh Freedman
Walmart is denying a Bloomberg report that said the nation's largest private employer is considering supporting an increase in the minimum wage. "We are not at all considering this," Walmart spokesman David Tovar told The Huffington Post Wednesday afternoon, just after Bloomberg published the story
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Emily Peck
Emily Cohn
Since the days of Diner’s Club, credit cards have evolved to become a key element of American household finances. When emergency strikes we may not have cash in hand, but with access to credit cards a broken arm, a busted furnace, or a last-minute plane ticket doesn’t have to leave our families
Catherine Ruetschlin
NEW YORK, NY — In response to Friday’s vote at a Chattanooga, Tennessee Volkswagen plant, Demos issued the following statement: “The intensity of political interference to influence the union representation vote was unprecedented,” said Heather McGhee, incoming Demos President. All Americans should
Press release/statement
Democrats are planning a yearlong campaign against economic inequality as the midterm elections approach, and President Obama will kick it off in earnest Wednesday when he signs an executive order raising the contracting standards for workers on federal contracts.
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George Zornick
In the last year or two, something remarkable has happened in American politics. After decades in which future deficits, mostly caused by health care costs and conservative tax cuts, were invoked by those seeking to slash Social Security benefits for reasons of ideology or pecuniary interest, the
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Michael Lind
Today, President Barack Obama honored his promise from last month’s State of the Union address to raise the minimum wage for some workers indirectly employed by the federal government. In a new executive order, he raised the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 an hour, effective Jan. 1, 2015. The
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Bruce Vail
When Woody Harrelson's character got hired as a bartender on Cheers, he was so excited, he insisted on working for no more than the minimum wage. "I'd work like a slave," he said, "and, of course, I'd wash your car." Most bar and restaurant workers would prefer to bring home a little more cash. They
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Alan Greenblatt