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The For the People Act outlines a vision of what’s possible when our nation lives up to its promise of being a place where all people can lift their voices via their votes and their small dollar contributions.
Press release/statement
US Capitol Building from a distance
While Biden inspires hope, our democracy has let down Black communities for far too long.
Joshua Harmon
Black warehouse worker wearing mask operating forklift
The hardships faced by Amazon’s warehouse employees are well known and now Black workers in Alabama are organizing, challenging power, and leading the efforts to become unionized.
Amy Traub
"Black and Latinx borrowers [are] more likely to be denied credit than white borrowers and more likely to be charged higher interest rates [...]. [O]ne of many ways the financial deck is stacked against Black and brown consumers.”
In the media
Michelle Black
Caroline Lupini
"Black student debtors "are 16 percent more likely to be in default or seriously delinquent than white student debtors; Latino borrowers are 8 percent more likely."
In the media
Aarthi Swaminathan

Due to disinvestment, a lack of grant aid, and the rising cost of living, Arizona’s students face a steep hill in paying for college.

Policy Briefs
Mark Huelsman

Policymakers in Michigan have continuously made attending college harder through divestment in Michigan’s public higher education system, resulting in skyrocketing college prices.

Policy Briefs
Mark Huelsman
Today, nearly 60 years removed from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s speech during the March on Washington, countless barriers remain between his dream and America’s reality.
Press release/statement
K. Sabeel Rahman
An economy that ultimately lives up to our country’s promise will require us to invest in public goods and health infrastructure, break up concentrated economic power, and ensure equitable access for Black and brown communities.
Press release/statement
K. Sabeel Rahman
“This stuff is hard and necessary to untangle… [but] we should actually start over.”
In the media
Aarthi Swaminathan