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In 2013, Walmart spent billions repurchasing shares of its own stock. It should have spent it raising wages.

Catherine Ruetschlin
Amy Traub
Even at the mall or a discount store, where women are courted and catered to, they are paid less than men. Women in US retail jobs earn on average $4 an hour less than men, or 72 cents for every dollar men make, according to a new report by Demos, a liberal nonprofit public policy organization. The
In the media
Vickie Elmer
An industry that’s one of the largest employers of women and one of the fastest job creators in the country also has a huge pay gap. The average female retail salesperson makes $10.58 per hour, while her average male colleague makes $14.62, according to a new study from Demos, a think tank focused
In the media
Jill Berman
NEW YORK, NY— A new report by the national public policy organization Demos reveals prevalent business practices in the retail sector such as low pay, erratic scheduling and scarcity of basic benefits are keeping millions of hard-working women and families near poverty.
Press release/statement

More information about CEO-to-worker pay disparities is critical for investors.

Testimony and Public Comment
Heather C. McGhee
Catherine Ruetschlin
At the McDonald’s annual shareholder meeting on May 22, CEO Don Thompson claimed that his company “has a heritage of providing job opportunities that lead to ‘real careers.’”
In the media
Eleanor Bloxham
This is the face of today's fast food workers -- 70% of whom are over the age of 20, nearly 40% have children and a third of them have spent some time in college, according to U.S. census data. [...] Public policy group Demos says CEO compensation in the industry just since 2000 quadrupled to $24
In the media
Patrick M. Sheridan
The media shouldn't be scaring students away from going to college, because the alternative of not going is worse. Unfortunately, our move to a debt-for-diploma system is doing a good enough job of that itself.
Mark Huelsman
Irresponsible spending habits are not a cause of credit card debt in U.S. households, according to a new report, The Debt Disparity: What Drives Credit Card Debt in America. The national survey of working age low- and middle-income households by public policy organization Demos finds that they
In the media
We spoke with William Darity, a professor at Duke University has studied and advocated for reparations in black America for over twenty years.
Reniqua Allen